100,000 Games!

Kongregate's web gaming platform recently reached a major milestone -- 100,000 games!

What a long, strange trip it's been. Has it really been 9+ years since Brad Borne uploaded The Fancy Pants Adventures?! It seems like only yesterday that Shepard Smith was talking about our 300 games on FOX News, as some intern struggled with the first puzzle in Warbears on national television. Jim Greer's hair was a little less gray back then, and it could be said that we were all a little wet behind the ears, completely unprepared for the magnitude of success that the Kongregate platform would go on to achieve.

Over the past decade we've gone from operating out of a small office apartment shared with 2D Boy to 60+ employees towering over the San Francisco bay. We've watched our beloved industry grow from predominantly after-school hobby games to dominating the mobile entertainment scene in mainstream culture.

We're so grateful for this journey, and we couldn't have done it without our amazing game developers and loyal players. Here are some stats on both -- click the image for a larger PDF version!

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