Kongregate's June Book Program Explores Juneteenth and LGBTQ+ Stories

We are thrilled to announce the return of our highly anticipated June Book Program, running throughout the entire month of June. Building on the success of last year's program, we are excited to offer our employees another opportunity for greater growth and understanding. The June Book Program is designed to foster continued learning within our company and provide our employees with valuable insights into Juneteenth and the LGBTQ+ community through educational books.

During the program, each employee is allocated a designated amount of funds that they can utilize to purchase an educational book exploring the significance of Juneteenth and/or the experiences of the LGBTQ+ community. We strongly encourage employees to support diverse-owned bookstores or online shops, further promoting inclusivity and amplifying diverse voices.

This initiative goes beyond a reading program; it is a way for us to deepen our understanding of June as a month of celebration for Black and LGBTQ+ communities, celebrate diversity, and foster a more inclusive work environment.

By engaging with these educational resources, our employees gain valuable knowledge and perspectives that contribute to their personal and professional growth as well as the belonging of all employees within Kongregate. Through this initiative, we aim to create a workplace that not only embraces diversity but also actively engages in conversations that promote equity and inclusion.

The program empowers our employees to continue their learning beyond the month of June - as employees discuss the books they have read, share insights, and exchange ideas, they contribute to an environment where everyone feels heard, respected, and valued. This collective effort to celebrate diversity strengthens the bonds within our teams and enhances collaboration, innovation, and overall employee satisfaction.

If you’d like to participate alongside us, take a look at some of the books we're reading:

The Savvy Ally: A Guide for Becoming a Skilled LGBTQ+ Advocate - Jeannie Gainsburg
People of Pride: 25 Great LGBTQ Americans - Chase Clemesha
Rainbow Revolutions: Power, Pride, and Protest in the Fight for Queer Rights - Jamie Lawson
Homintern: Cómo la cultura LGTB liberó al mundo moderno
Soy yo: LGTBIQ+ Voy a ser lo que me dé la gana ser

On Juneteenth - Annette Gordon-Reed (Winner of the Pulitzer Prize)
Juneteenth (Revised) - Ralph Ellison
Why We Celebrate: The Rich Legacy of Juneteenth

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