Kartridge Announces Game Bonuses and Developer-Friendly Revenue Terms

Kartridge Announces Game Bonuses and Developer-Friendly Revenue Terms

Kartridge is announcing new developer-friendly terms for the upcoming PC gaming platform from Kongregate. Designed to be different, Kartridge caters to game developers, giving them maximum control of their store page and price points. The updated terms now provide developers with additional revenue.

The updated platform terms entitle developers to 100% of revenue earned on their first $10,000 in sales.1 This offer applies on a per-title basis -- developers can take advantage of this revenue bonus for all their titles on the Kartridge platform. Initially announced as a limited-time offer expiring in October '18, the term has now been extended indefinitely after overwhelmingly positive developer feedback.

Kartridge is also providing an additional revenue-share bonus for exclusive content, also on a per-game basis. Developers who place their titles exclusively on Kartridge for Windows and MacOS will earn 100% of revenue on their first $10,000, then 90% on their next $40,000.2 There are no restrictions on the exclusivity period; developers will have the right to end exclusivity at any time. This promotion applies to games available for sale exclusively on Kartridge prior to October 31st, 2018.

“One of our goals with Kartridge is to help independent developers succeed, and these bonus terms are a way for developers to jumpstart their earnings,” said Kongregate CEO Emily Greer. “These bonuses will be especially valuable to small developers as they look to gain traction with their games and is just another thing we can do to help to set them up for success.” Greer concluded, “The feedback we have received from developers on these offers and the platform in general has been outstanding.”

At the conclusion of the promotional period the developer revenue share will change to 70% of revenue.

Developers interested in learning more about the Kartridge platform can find information at www.kartridge.com/developers. Additional platform features will be announced soon. Kartridge is scheduled to go into open beta in the summer of 2018.

1. The 100% revenue share is after taxes and payment processor fees are deducted. After $10k in revenue share has been earned in this way, it will switch to 70% revenue share net of taxes, but payment processor fees will at that point be covered by our share.

2. Similar to the 70% share, the 90% exclusivity revenue share will be net of taxes but processor fees will not be deducted.